Best Proofreading Services In Ireland

An honest, expert, thorough and gentle assessment of your manuscript from a writer whose work has been short-listed for literary awards in Ireland, the UK and the US. Advice from someone who has developed well-established links with international publishers and a thorough knowledge of what agents and commissioning editors are looking for.

Welcome to the premier proofreading service in Ireland. My name is Michael and I run I started offering proofreading services in 2010 and over the years I have built a reputation as a reliable, confidential and meticulous proofreader. I have helped many hundreds of students with essays, dissertations and theses, ensuring that their document reads professionally and is academically correct.

I am considered by many to run the best proofreading service in Ireland and have grown largely through word-of-mouth. I have edited and proofread academic documents including PhDs, Master's and research reports spanning all subject areas. In the corporate sphere I have worked with companies such as Lidl Ireland, Pillar Healthcare and the Professional Development Service for Students.


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